Homeless Education Resource Outreach Program
Phone: 259-8729
Website: http://www.mnps.org/Page56952.aspx
HERO program is co-sponsored by MNPS and the
Tennessee Department of Education to support the educational needs of homeless
children and youth and other families in transition. The program is funded by the McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act and services are provided to families with school age
children. Children/families that are due
to a lack of housing and living in a shelter, motor vehicle, campground, on the
street, in abandoned buildings, or trailers, or doubled up with relatives or
friends then are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act.
also offer assistance with clothing, help with school issues, questions or
concerns, housing and community resource information, obtaining birth
certificates, immunization records, and school records, parent and community
education, referrals for dental, medical and mental health services, school
supplies, summer camp programs, transportation, and tutoring services.